Meet Pastor & Coach Cera Elizabeth Mwaura
I'm passionate about Food, Friends, and Fitness, fueled by my Faith in Jesus Christ!
ZURI Healthy Living's unique approach to wellness incorporates balanced nutrition, fitness, and mental health along faith-based principles. You will be connected to like-minded people to encourage, support, and keep you accountable.
Are you ready to unleash the healthiest you?

My Story
I was never the athletic type. Fitness and healthy eating were never a priority.
I was overweight for most of my high school years into adulthood. I tried many diets that worked temporarily, but I always gained the weight back (and some!). I thought that life was just supposed to be that way. I gained a lot more weight after the birth of my two children and it began to negatively affect my health and my mood. I didn't have the energy to do everyday tasks.
Then I hit rock bottom when a series of events led me to a pit of despair, isolation, and depression. In my struggle to get back up, I began working with a personal trainer. As I got physically stronger, I felt emotionally stronger and found the strength to get help. Therapy, church, bible studies, coaching, and journaling all played a vital role in my healing. I found purpose in the pain and became a certified physical fitness instructor and life coach, committed to helping others get healthy and whole. I was also ordained as a pastor, confirming the call I was already walking in. I now exist to serve others by igniting joy, through healthy living transformation!
Our Services
- Bill Bowerman