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February Challenge Winner!

Zuri Admin

Our February Challenge included weekly workouts and eliminating unhealthy foods, to earn a total of 21 Points. Members earned points by running, walking, or working out. Points were deducted for eating unhealthy foods (fried food, sugary treats chees/whole dairy products...etc. Congratulations to Chakiwe S, who won the challenge with 72 Points total!!!

Chakiwe says..."I am an almost 50 year old lady who attempted living a health lifestyle but failed over a 13 year time frame. My doctor has been pushing me to change my lifestyle for so long to no avail. l even at some point dreaded going in for appointments. I would reschedule just to avoid facing the same story of lifestyle change. I am a diabetic, obese and have severe high blood pressure. Prior to joining ZURI, I recall my doctor saying, " prepare for long hours at dialysis. Your kidneys are showing some stress. But, who I am teaching? You are a nurse and you should know better." The truth is, I tried. I have tried. Several times I tried and failed.

On Jan 5, I joined ZURI Healthy Living I walk religiously on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays. I hike on Sundays. I did this for a month and I am happy to report my Diabetes A1C dropped from a high of 12 to 7.4, no longer on 3 Humalog injections, 50 units to 20 units Lantus insulin, my weight dropped from 222 lbs. to 200.4 lbs., my waist line from 47 inches to 43 inches. Above all, I can wear heels I put away for more than a decade. I can see my transformation.

What is ZURI? My friends ask me each time I brag. I tell them it is a lifestyle. It is a pact to push a sister to achieve a healthy lifestyle. If one is lucky and they live in Arizona, we meet for a Word of encouragement every 2 weeks, we hike, we walk and we network.

To continue my journey, I plan to live a healthy lifestyle, by exercising regularly, eating healthy and surrounding myself with people who will help me achieve my goals. ZURI Healthy Living has to help me cook healthy. I will lose this weight down to 150lbs, drop my waist line, drop all diabetic injections, drop some of my high blood pressure medications and have a beautiful sexy body. I will get it. Watch me. No, no, no push me. Encourage me. I love ZURI!!! I love my ZURI sisters. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your support. I need you more than ever. ZURI is my life now. Go ZURI!!! #ZURIHealthyLivingforlife# "

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