I am inspired by positive transformation. I want to live a long healthy and active life, encouraging others to radiate positive energy always. But I wasn’t always this way…
Back in 2015 when I heard my Sunshine-my grandma’s health was deteriorating at a very high rate, and losing my dad at a young age, something hit me! An awakening call of health and mental alertness. I never felt heavy nor unfit. I’ve always gone to the gym and I even done sprint triathlons. I never thought my diet was unhealthy. But wait! there was this small mirror in my bathroom that whispered to me, “Ciiku, you are carrying some excess baggage.” I said, “mirror, mirror please leave me alone. It’s in my genes”.
After many days of researching how to live a fit and healthy lifestyle, I watched a Netflix documentary “What The Health” by Kip Anderson. I was also read “Switch on Your Brain” by Caroline Leaf. BINGO! I canceled the gym membership and started cycling and running five times a week. I cleaned out my refrigerator and started gardening, eating straight from Mother Nature. I detoxed my brain, 21 days at a time. I started realizing I'm full of energy galore. I Joined ZURI Health Living and won the first 21 day challenge, completed my first half marathon in Sedona AZ (2018), and beat my triathlon record by twice as much. I biked 100 miles (Tucson to Phoenix). I became an avid hiker and I’m looking forward to completing the Grand Canyon hike in May 2019.
I feel like I gained my life back. My mental health and fitness goals are in check. From size 14 to 6 was indeed excess baggage I needed to loose. Even though high blood pressure took away my grandma, she taught me to believe in two things: the power of our mind and setting achievable goals. I know that today can be tough, tomorrow might be worse but the day after tomorrow is sunshine. She left sunshine for me. I now love what I see in the mirror.
I’m here because I enjoy seeing and hearing about positive transformations and I love challenges. Join me in this ZURI health living journey and let’s enjoy this beautiful sunshine together - even past 80 years. Thank you ZURI Health Living for always challenging and motivating me. Love, Ciiku